Abstract Submissions
Researchers, master and PhD students are invited to submit abstracts for the Emotions, Health & WellBeing Seminar. Poster presentations are a great way to present your research, gain visibility in the academic community, network with other professionals, and contribute to the multidisciplinary conversation on emotions, health, and well being.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted abstracts should be no more than 300 words and follow the structure of: title, authors and affiliation, introduction, methods, results, conclusions, and key-words (maximum 5).
When submitting your work, please indicate one of the research thematic areas: DeHeal, 2Change, EcogWise

Important Dates
Abstracts can be submitted until May 20th, and presenters should be registered in the Seminar.
The Organizing Committee will reply with final decision until May 31st.
Poster Preparation
Accepted posters should be printed in A0 format (85x120cm), with a pre-recorded presentation of 5 minutes. The template has to be emailed.
Recordings should only be submitted once received a confirmation by email that the abstract has been approved by the scientific committee.
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